Words by Sandrine: ” Today more than ever, the role of the artist as a smuggler, peddler is essential. In a world that is losing its humanity, where physical and social distancing is the new norm, I want to use the photographic tool as a social link.
To reclaim the street is not to leave the public space to commercial control or that of the government power which are largely dominant. It is to go and reach unacquired audiences, to get out of the social bubble in order to reach populations that are rendered invisible.
The street studio is envisioned as the place of a collective construction of photography accessible to all. Its presence stimulates the possibility of an image and gives rise by the constitution of a ritual, the desire for a unique portrait in which the model puts himself on stage.
This mobile workshop, able to move towards its subject, aims to create the event. The box intrigues, it is a tool facilitating encounters that allows to establish a spontaneous connection. The long time needed for the image production, about twenty minutes, is used to forge links, create spaces for dialogue and experiences sharing. It is the praise of slowness; the time for thought and reflection.
This technique makes it possible to account for the before and after of the photographic gesture.
This importance of time, implied by the use of ambulant-photo, is more than a production mechanism, it allows the capture the temporality of an image – to constitute a more specific duration than the split-second or present time usually captured by the camera. It not only inscribes in the image the duration of the exposure time, of development but also opens the duration to a particular experience – that of the encounter. He captures, without capturing, the moment lived together.”